Monday, December 7, 2009

What I learned

On friday the four things I learned was one that there is a Art school in houston. The other thing I learned was that if you go to one of the art school and you do very well you get great opertunites. The third thing I learned was that you can leanr all the things that that school teaches buy going to a camp. The fourt thing I learned was they use the same programs that we use int his class.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How My Mutant Was Born!

My background is going to be of a felid with a rainbow across it. Im going to use tools like the the stamp tool to make sure everything is belended in. Also will you the magic eraser to make sure everything looks good. My face is going to be on a pengiun with hello kitty next to her and iam also going to have ladybugs heard on me. There will also be a tiger there looking at me. I want to make sure that I can get my mutant to look as real as possible.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Mutant progress

Today I finally decdited the pictures that are going to be in the project. I also cited the pictures.
right now im working on the background.........hope it turns out good

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rainbows and Penguins

My Mutant project will be me on a penguins head and I’m going to have puppy ears and ill put Angelina Jollies lips on me. The background is going to be a rainbow in a field.
I think I’m going to put a celebrity’s hat on me. Next to me will be hello kitty. There will be a tiger jumping out of the water. I might put these really pretty eyes on me so my face stands out more. There’s going to be a tiger because I love animals. I have decided to be next to a rainbow because I love rainbows and I think they are so pretty.

Flippy is the name of penguin, she loves hello kitty and rainbowsJ. Flippy loves animals like tigers, birds, polar bears, and many many others. She loves to go shopping and buying purses, jewelry, and makeup. Even though she’s goes shopping she is still a normal penguin. Omg, and I didn’t mention that she LOVES to eat. Other than shopping it’s her favorite thing to do. Her favorite foods are sushi, chips, candy, pizza, pasta, salads, fruit and ICE CREAM! Flippy has a wonderful life like saving her family from the horrible monster that wants to marry her. She hates him, he follows her everywhere. The thing that she does is just goes on with her life and helps people. Helping people and animals are her passion.

Mutant Project

The objective for the Mutant Project is to use what we have learned in photoshop. Create a "mutant" of ourselfs and put our heads on an animals body and weird things like that.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Emerging technologies

Web sites have evolved over time. First generation sites were static—no interactivity. They included basic structures. Second generation sites included intuitive, user-friendly navigation systems, focused on the content, and animation—blinking text, moving banners, animated images, etc. Since businesses were now online, there was much more interaction than with first generation sites. Third generation sites addressed their audiences based on their objectives, which drove the design and structure. Splash pages were popular, as was the use of cascading style sheets, portals, and forms. These sites focused on content and were easily navigated. Fourth generation sites are participatory and highly interactive. They provide richer experiences for their users. Site designers take full advantage of the new tools of Web 2.0. They frequently include wikis, blogs, podcasts, webcasts, and Web services. Standards are being developed for mobile users of the Web to make their online experience productive and efficient.

Mastering the Web

Web sites have evolved over time. First generation sites were static—no interactivity. They included basic structures. Second generation sites included intuitive, user-friendly navigation systems, focused on the content, and animation—blinking text, moving banners, animated images, etc. Since businesses were now online, there was much more interaction than with first generation sites. Third generation sites addressed their audiences based on their objectives, which drove the design and structure. Splash pages were popular, as was the use of cascading style sheets, portals, and forms. These sites focused on content and were easily navigated. Fourth generation sites are participatory and highly interactive.
They provide richer experiences for their users. Site designers take full advantage of the new tools of Web 2.0. They frequently include wikis, blogs, podcasts, webcasts, and Web services. Standards are being developed for mobile users of the Web to make their online experience productive and efficient.