Monday, December 7, 2009

What I learned

On friday the four things I learned was one that there is a Art school in houston. The other thing I learned was that if you go to one of the art school and you do very well you get great opertunites. The third thing I learned was that you can leanr all the things that that school teaches buy going to a camp. The fourt thing I learned was they use the same programs that we use int his class.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How My Mutant Was Born!

My background is going to be of a felid with a rainbow across it. Im going to use tools like the the stamp tool to make sure everything is belended in. Also will you the magic eraser to make sure everything looks good. My face is going to be on a pengiun with hello kitty next to her and iam also going to have ladybugs heard on me. There will also be a tiger there looking at me. I want to make sure that I can get my mutant to look as real as possible.